Tips, resources, and webinars


September is REALTOR® Safety Month

Every profession has its own risks and rewards. As a REALTOR® it is up to you to know these risks so you can stay safe. As the seasons change, so do the available safety resources. Orange County REALTORS® has put together a list of resources, products, and tips for you to stay up-to-date on safety practices.

Best Practices for REALTORS® to Stay Safe While on the Job

  1. Get a Copy of a Client’s ID Before Meeting with Them – Request some form of official identification from clients before meeting with them in person. Ensure someone you know has the client’s basic information about when and where you’ll be meeting them.
  2. Bring Someone with You to Client Meetings – Bring someone you trust with you to client meetings, especially if this is the first time you’re meeting this client, if the meeting is at night, or in a relatively remote location. 
  3. Make Sure People Know Where You Are - If you are unable to have someone with you when meeting a client, share the meeting and basic client information with someone you know and ask them to call you at a set time, or multiple times throughout the meeting, to ensure everything is okay.
  4. Carry Self-Defense Items with You – Carrying some form of self-defense item is advisable in all situations, but particularly when meeting with a client you don’t know very well. Perhaps the most effective self-defense item is pepper spray, which is permitted according to California state law.
  5. Learn Self-Defense and Situational Awareness – While not everyone has the ability or willingness to become masters in martial arts, taking a basic self-defense course can be a life-saving investment. Always remember that if you do need to attack, you should go for the eyes, throat, and groin, as those are the most sensitive areas.

Resources & Articles:

Keep in mind that REALTOR® safety goes beyond being safe at an open house. Use these tips to stay safe 24/7.

4 'Danger Zones' in Your Daily Work Routine

NAR Safety Resources

Safety Tips From NAR

NAR REALTOR® Safety Toolkit for Brokerages

C.A.R. Safety Resources


Products and Apps


SafeShowings is an app that protects both you and your clients. By capturing a secure image of the potential client's face, if you are unable to end a showing safely, the SafeShowings app will not only notify your emergency contacts and 911, it will securely capture an image of the perpetrator’s face. This approach deters criminal behavior because the person intending to do harm will be trackable or will be deterred altogether.

Learn more about SafeShowings


PeopleSmart allows you to perform a background check on clients before you need to meet. For only $19.95 a month, stay safe by avoiding potentially dangerous people. 

Learn more about PeopleSmart


Life360 offers driving, location, and safety features such as SOS Help Alerts, Crash Detection, and Disaster Response. Plans range from free to $24.99/mo.

Learn more about Life360

Real Safe Agent

Real Safe Agent prevents crimes from occurring by denying predators the conditions they need to attack, using features such as making agents aware of red flags, drop-in alerts, and a buddy system.

Learn more about Real Safe Agent

Supra's Agent Alert Feature

Agent Alert allows the Supra eKEY user to secretly send an alert message to up to three assigned contacts. This can be used to discreetly request a contact to check on the status of you, the showing agent, or make an excuse that the showing will have to end abruptly due to an emergency that you have to tend to. 

Learn more about Supra's Agent Alert Feature


Orange County REALTORS® is proudly offering the following safety classes in honor of REALTOR® Safety Month:

  • AI & Real Estate Fraud Prevention: FBI Expertise on Securing Home Sales and Titles - Local Government Relations North Chair Heidi Twitchell and Vice Chair Thomas Lotts Present AI and Real Estate Fraud Prevention featuring FBI Special Agent, Tim Jacoby.


  • Safe Selling: Active Shooter Response Training – This class will teach you best practices for dangerous situations, whether the aggression be from a client, colleague, or personal relationship. Learn awareness training, how to respond when faced with different types of violence, and what not to do to avoid escalating an aggressive situation.











  • De-Escalating Intense Situations - Hear from Hostage Negotiator, Harry Drucker, as he shares stories and tips from his career in law enforcement that you can utilize in your professional life dealing with the public in what can often be highly emotional or difficult situations.


You can learn more de-escalation and safety tools from Harry Drucker by reading his article De-escalation in an Escalated World in the September/October issue of OC REALTOR® magazine.