At Home with Diversity (AHWD)

REALTORS® know the importance of adapting and remaining relevant in today's marketplace. By developing a business practice rooted in inclusion and equality, REALTORS® can help buyers of all cultural backgrounds achieve the dream of homeownership. The At Home With Diversity® (AHWD) certification course covers how to work effectively with diverse populations so you can build business success in today's multicultural real estate market.

Course Learning Outcomes:
  • Develop an increased awareness of cultural and personal biases that may inhibit you from fully embracing diversity and creating a successful multicultural real estate business.
  • Learn inclusive, multi-cultural marketing and advertising strategies to broaden your client base.
  • Formulate an inclusive business plan to help you create an enduring business that is able to adapt and evolve to an ever-changing marketplace.

This class will be hosted in Zoom Meetings format to encourage interaction between the Instructor and attendees. This will be a virtual classroom and video must remain ON at all times for monitoring to fulfill NAR's course requirements.
OC REALTOR® Members: $0 / REALTOR® Non-Members: $40

Completion of this course satisfies NAR's Fair Housing training requirement. All REALTORS® are required to complete Fair Housing training every 3 years along with Code of Ethics training. You must attend the course in its entirety to receive credit for completion. No CE credit is provided.
Online Webinar
09:00 am - 04:00 pm
