It is important to comply with a city's sign regulations, as many of them are only handshake agreements and can be revoked by city councils if continuously violated. A number of cities publish Real Estate Sign Regulation Manuals. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed and is provided for reference purposes only.
If you have updates to the information listed here, please contact us!
Sign Ordinances: Aliso Viejo
Aliso Viejo
PH: (949) 425-2500
Section 15.34.140 of the Municipal Code
B. Exempt Small Commercial Real Estate Signs. Temporary real estate signs, including building-mounted and freestanding signs advertising the sale, lease, or rental of nonresidential property, are exempt from sign permit requirements subject to the following provisions:
1. Signs shall not exceed four square feet in area and a height of four feet if freestanding.
2. Signs shall be removed within 24 hours of the close of escrow or execution of lease.
3. No flags or balloons shall be displayed.
4. No rider shall be attached to the sign.
5. No more than one sign per available lease space or unit shall be permitted in single-story building, but in no case shall such signs be permitted above the ground floor in multistory buildings.
C. Exempt Residential Real Estate and Directional Signs.
1. Sale and Lease Signs. Temporary real estate signs, including freestanding and building-mounted signs, advertising the sale, lease, or rental of residential property, are exempt from sign permit requirements subject to the following provisions:
a. Such signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, and a height of four feet if freestanding, with the exception of single-family detached residences where colonial signs up to six feet in height shall be permitted.
b. Such signs shall be removed within 24 hours after close of escrow, lease, or rent.
c. No flags or balloons shall be displayed.
d. A rider not exceeding six inches in height by 24 inches in length or eight inches in height by 18 inches in length may be attached to the top of the sign.
e. Such signs shall be placed so that they do not obscure fire hydrants, traffic signs or traffic signals, block motorists’ line of sight, or otherwise inhibit or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
f. No part of any sign shall be within three feet of the back of sidewalk, but in no event shall a sign be within three feet of the lot line.
g. Such signs shall be placed at the immediate entrance of the subject residential unit, with the exception of single-family detached residences, where such signs shall be placed only in the front yard of the subject property. Only one sign per available lease space or residential unit shall be permitted.
2. Directional Signs. Temporary off-site open house directional signs shall be permitted in residential districts subject to the following:
a. Signs shall not be permitted on public sidewalks, streets or medians, but may be placed in public parkways outside of the first two feet of the parkway. In addition, an owner of real property or his/her agent may display the sign on real property owned by another with that owner’s prior consent.
b. Signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, and a height of three feet, including the vertical post.
c. Signs are only permitted to be posted during the time an owner or owner’s agent is on the premises and the premises are open for viewing.
d. The signs shall be installed no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and removed no later than sunset.
e. The signs shall not be installed in a manner which creates a hazard to traffic or pedestrians.
f. No flags, pennants, balloons, A-frames, or other attention-attracting devices shall be displayed.
g. Up to two signs may be placed at an intersection.
h. The maximum number of signs per event shall be six. [Ord. 2019-209 § 3 (Exhs. A, B); Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2010-123 § 3 (Exh. A). Formerly 15.34.170].
Sign Ordinances: Aliso Viejo (AVCA)
PH: (949) 243-7750
Section 7. Temporary Sign Regulations
The intent and purpose of these sign regulations is to encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication; to maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment; to improve pedestrian and traffic safety; to minimize possible adverse effects of signs on nearby public and private property; and to prevent damage from occurring to property from unauthorized placement of signs.
No person may post signage on the Association’s property without the prior written permission of AVCA (AVCA). This policy is intended to explain how such permission is obtained. Signage posted upon the Association’s common area without such permission is subject to immediate removal and confiscation without warning.
The posting or display of noncommercial signs, posters, flags, or banners on or in an Owner’s separate interest is permissible, except to the extent such display threatens the public health or safety or is in violation of local, state, or federal law. Noncommercial signage may not be displayed, however, which is made of lights, roofing, siding, paving materials, flora, balloons, or any other similar building, landscaping, or decorative component, which includes the painting of architectural surfaces. Moreover, any displayed noncommercial sign may not be larger than nine (9) square feet in size, and any displayed noncommercial flags or banners may not be larger than fifteen (15) square feet in size.
The display of commercial signage upon an Owner’s separate interest is prohibited except as provided below.
“Regular Real Estate Sign” means a sign advertising or publicizing the sale, lease or rental of real estate whereby the agent is allowed to use their company’s sign with logo and phone number that is placed at the residence that is for sale.
AVCA reserves the right to regulate the number, size and placement of Regular Real Estate Signs.
Any Regular Real Estate Sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet and shall only be affixed to a single wood or metal pole. No illumination or moving elements (e.g., balloons, streamers, pennants, etc.) are permitted.
Any non-compliant Regular Real Estate Sign located on AVCA property will be removed and discarded without notice, and will not be returned to the real estate agent. AVCA is not responsible for damage of any kind to or loss of non-compliant Regular Real Estate Signs.
“Open House Sign” means a temporary sign informing the public that property is available for examination by prospective buyers and that the Owner of the property or the Owner’s agent is on the premises during the time the property is available for viewing. Only generic Open House Signs as described below shall be displayed on AVCA property.
AVCA reserves the right to regulate the number, size and placement of Open House Signs.
Generic Open House Signs may only be displayed on designated Open House days (Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday).
After obtaining approval from the Sub-association’s Architectural Review Committee, each property Owner may install a generic Open House Signs.
Such Signs must:
- Have a total sign area contained within a 14 ½ inch by 14 ½ inch square area;
- Be no taller than two feet, nine inches (2’ 9”) above ground level;
- Be free-standing, affixed to a single wood or metal pole;
- Have a white background with a colored arrow on it and the words “Open House,” in reverse, in the middle of the arrow;
- Contain no other advertising information;
- Include only the agent’s name and phone number. The company name is not permitted.
Generic Open House Signs” shall be installed no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and removed no later than sunset on the day of the open house.
Placement of generic Open House Signs on AVCA property is limited to intersections only and will not be permitted in medians, parkway strips, slopes, etc. except within reasonable proximity of AVCAmaintained intersections. Each real estate agent may place no more than one (1) generic Open House Sign on any corner of an intersection. Placement of generic Open House Signs must be two (2) feet from the edge of the roadway/edge of sidewalk for safety purposes. It is the responsibility of the sub-associations to determine how many signs, if any, can be placed within its boundaries.
Any non-compliant Open House Sign located on AVCA property will be removed and discarded without notice, and will not be returned to the real estate agent. AVCA is not responsible for damage of any kind to or loss of non-compliant Open House Signs.
[Source: Aliso Viejo Community Association; Real Estate Sign Regulations].
Sign Ordinances: Anaheim
PH: (714) 765-4311
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, temporary real estate signs advertising property for sale, lease, rental or inspection by the public shall be permitted, subject to the following limitations:
.010 On-Site Real Estate Signs. A maximum of one (1) unlighted, single-faced or double-faced, freestanding sign, advertising the sale, lease, rental or other disposition of the property on which such sign is located, shall be permitted on parcels of less than one-half (1/2) acre in area. On larger parcels, one such sign per each street or highway frontage of said parcel shall be permitted, as provided herein. Any such sign(s) may also include the name, address and phone number of the person, firm, entity or agent offering said premises for sale, lease, rental or other disposition.
.020 Parcels Less Than Twenty-Two Thousand (22,000) Square Feet in Area. The maximum area of each sign shall not exceed ten (10) square feet, and the height thereof as installed shall not exceed four (4) feet.
.030 Parcels of Between Twenty-Two Thousand (22,000) and Forty-Three Thousand (43,000) Square Feet in Area. The maximum area of each sign shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet, and the height thereof as installed shall not exceed four (4) feet.
.040 Parcels Forty-Three Thousand (43,000) or More Square Feet in Area. The maximum area of each sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet, and the height thereof as installed shall not exceed four (4) feet. (Ord. 5444 § 1 (part); August 16, 1994: Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)
.05 Guide signs, on-premises signs, business signs, and temporary real estate signs, as defined in Section 18.118.140 (Sign Regulations – Advertising and Identification).
Sign Ordinances: Brea
BREA, CA 92821
PH: (714) 990-7600
Real Estate Sign Guidelines
For sale signs on residential properties are limited as follows:
- One sign per property street frontage. Example; If the property backs up to an arterial highway or corner a sign may be placed facing each street frontage.
- Must be located on the property which is for sale.
- Limited to 6 square feet in size.
- Signs may be no larger than 24 inches wide by 24 inches tall and may include a rider but the height of the total sign area shall not exceed the overall maximum height of 3 foot 6 inches. Attached flags (limited to two small flags) may not be taller than 4 ft 6 inches measured to the top of the flag .No sail flags, sign twirlers, or banners are permitted.
- The open house directional signs are limited to one sign per location per Realtor and under no circumstances may additional signs be placed at the same location by the same Realtor.
- Signs shall be at least one thousand (1,000 feet) apart, except at intersections to indicate a turn. Realtors should use the most highly traveled street entrance to a tract for signage and avoid placing directional signs on multiple entrances to the same tract.
- Prohibited on all median strips, center dividers, road way islands or safety zones.
- Sign placement cannot reduce in size, or interfere with, the required disabled access path of travel.
- May not interfere with or impede pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular travel.
- Directional signs shall not be located on any building, fence or wall.
- Signs shall be allowed from 7am to 7pm.
- Signs on private property must obtain permission from the property owner or tenant.
- Improperly or unauthorized Open House signs on public or private property may be removed without warning.
- Flagrant or repeated violations may result in escalating fines, $100 (1st), $200 (2nd), and $500 for each additional sign found in violation.
Open House signs removed by the City will be kept for no more than 30 days. Signs may be claimed by calling the Code Enforcement Officer at: 714-990-7764 Citation fines will be charged prior to the return of the signs.
Sign Ordinances: Buena Park
P.O. BOX 5009
PH: (714) 562-3500
Section 19.904.080 of the Municipal Code
I. Real Estate Signs.
1. Temporary signs advertising property for sale, lease, or rental, located on the property offered, subject to the following limitations:
a. 8-foot maximum height above grade,
b. Residential Property. No more than one sign on each property offered except that a property which maintains a second street frontage on a major, primary, or secondary highway shall be permitted one additional sign; the maximum area of each sign shall be not more than six square feet.
c. Nonresidential Property.
(i) Where the total lineal street frontage is not more than one hundred twenty feet: Not more than one sign per street frontage; the maximum sign area of each sign shall be twenty square feet.
(ii) Where the total lineal street frontage is in excess of one hundred twenty lineal feet: Not more than one sign per street frontage; the maximum sign area of each sign shall be thirty-two square feet.
d. No sign shall be directly or indirectly illuminated.
e. All such signs shall be removed either when escrow is closed or a transaction is otherwise completed, or when the property is removed from the market.
2. Open House Signing.
a. On-site Signing:
(i) Numerical Limitation: Not more than four pennants of not more than three square feet each.
(ii) Such pennants shall be permitted to be placed on the property where the open house is held. No such pennants shall be placed in center medians, over fences, or in areas not deemed permitted by this subsection.
(iii) Such pennants are permitted only during periods when either the property owner or sales agent is present and are further subject to the following day and time restrictions:
(aa) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday—9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(bb) Saturday and Sunday—11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
(cc) No on-site pennants are permitted to be placed or present on any day or at any time other than as set forth in subsection (iii.aa) and ( hereinabove.
(iv) One sign indicating that an open house is presently occurring shall be permitted in the front or side yard setback of the property being offered.
Sign Ordinances: Costa Mesa
PH: (714) 754-5000
Title 13, Ch. 8, Article 3 of the Municipal Code
REAL ESTATE SIGNS (No permits are required.)
Residential Zones:
1. One per street frontage.
2. 5 sq. ft. maximum.
3. 6 ft. high maximum.
Commercial Zones:
1. One per street frontage.
2. 32 sq. ft. maximum.
3. 12 ft. high maximum.
Residential Zones:
1. One per street frontage.
2. 3 sq. ft. maximum.
3. 5 ft. high maximum.
Commercial Zones: Prohibited
Residential Zones: 5 sq. ft. maximum per sign with a maximum 6-ft. height above grade for signs affixed in the ground.
Commercial Zones: 5 sq. ft. maximum per sign with a maximum 6-ft. height above grade for signs affixed in the ground subject to the time periods set forth in section 13-123(a)(5).
Residential Zone: Subject to section 13-123.5.
TEMPORARY WINDOW SIGNS (No permits are required.)
Residential Zone: Prohibited
Commercial Zone:
1. 20% of window area.
2. Window sign area in excess of the above maximum may be permitted if it can be shown that the merchandise offered for sale cannot be adequately displayed and, therefore, justifies substitution of additional window signage for merchandise display, subject to written approval by the Planning Division or Zoning Administrator. Total of permanent and temporary window sign area shall not exceed 50% of contiguous window area.
3. Time limit shall not exceed 60 days.
Industrial Zone: Prohibited
APARTMENT FLAGS (No permits are required.)
Residential Zone:
1. 1 per 60 ft. of lot frontage (minimum of 2).
2. 15 sq. ft. maximum.
3. 18 ft. high maximum.
4. Must be maintained in good condition; removed or replaced if torn, faded or dirty.
Commercial Zone: Prohibited
Residential Zone: Flags of a nation or the state shall be displayed in an appropriate manner consistent with state and federal law. Flags displaying products, logos and/or business names are prohibited. Pennants are prohibited.
BALLOON SIGNS (less than 24 inches) (No permits are required)
Residential Zone: Prohibited
Commercial Zone: Allowed, subject to the following:
1. May not extend beyond any property line or over any public-right-of-way, regardless of wind conditions.
2. Must be securely anchored.
3. May not be released into the air.
4. Metallic balloons are prohibited.
Industrial Zone: Prohibited
INFLATABLE SIGNS (over 24 inches)- Prohibited
Residential Zone:
0.5 ft. per unit.
Maximum area: 100 sq. ft. per site.
Commercial Zone:
0.5 sq. ft. per lineal foot of building frontage facing the street.
Minimum entitlement: 25 sq. ft. per tenant.
Maximum area: 75 sq. ft. per tenant.
A maximum display time of 60 days per calendar year.
Exception: For residential developments of 100 units or more, a maximum display time of 120 days per calendar year.
Residential Zone:
1. The entire surface of the banner must be securely affixed to either a building wall of the business being advertised (the building wall must abut a public street or on-site parking area serving the business being advertised), or to the sign face of a freestanding sign.
2. May not be attached to any staff, pole, line, framing, vehicle, or similar support.
3. May not project above roof.
4. Must be maintained in good condition; removed or replaced if torn, faded, or dirty.
5. Limit 1 banner per tenant or building occupant on each street frontage maximum.
6. Banners are permitted only as a means of temporary advertisement, such as for new businesses, grand openings, or similar special events, and may not be used as permanent signs.
7. Prior to the installation of a banner, a permit shall be obtained from the Planning Division. A city-issued decal shall be attached to face of the banner in the lower right-hand corner. The banner and any support elements shall be promptly removed at the expiration of the banner permit.
BANNERS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: See section 13-118, street banners.
Sign Ordinances: Coto de Caza
Only real estate For Sale, Lease or Rent signs may be displayed on the homeowner’s property. No Open House signs are permitted in the common area except when placed on the property itself in a designated sleeve at the entry of the Tract. Open House signs are permitted between the hours of 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
- 4” x 12” arrows may not display the REALTOR®’s name.
- REALTOR®’s name may be displayed on a rider attached to the For Sale sign. Generic only.
- Signs may not exceed 18” x 30”, must be attached to a central stake, and should be 3 feet off the ground. Brochure boxes are allowed when attached to the sign & post.
- No sign may be attached to the exterior walls or windows of the residence or front the golf course.
- Open Houses for “Broker Preview & weekends must be registered with west gate entry personnel.
- Improperly installed signs will be confiscated by the patrol officer and left at the west guard gate for 72 hours.
- No flags or balloons permitted.
Sign Ordinances: Cypress
PH: (714) 229-6700
3. Real estate and development signs.
a. For sale or rental signs.
(1) Each use may display one on-site unlighted sign on each street frontage adjoining the site. The signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area.
(2) Each use may also display one “open house” sign. The signs shall not be located in landscaped parkways, street medians, or bike trails.
(3) Freestanding signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height.
(4) Sale and rental signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days from the date of sale or rental.
(5) Office buildings, shopping centers, and industrial subdivisions may display one freestanding lease or rental sign and two (2) building-mounted signs. The total area of the signs shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet. Freestanding signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. All lease and rental signs shall be removed within one year from the date of the final construction inspection.
Sign Ordinances: Dana Point
PH: (949) 248-3500
Section 9.37.110 of the Municipal Code
The provisions and regulations of this Chapter shall not apply to the following signs, nor shall the area of such signs be counted toward the maximum allowable sign area for any premises or use.
(b) Four (4) Real Estate Open House or Garage Sale directional signs per intersection provided they are:
- Each no more than four (4) square feet in area;
- Contain no advertising message;
- Are located entirely on private property; and
- Not in excess of one per public street corner, per direction.
(h) One (1) real estate sign per street frontage provided such sign:
- Is located entirely on the property offered for sale or lease; or on private property;
- Does not exceed six (6) feet in height;
- Does not exceed four (4) square feet in area; and
- Is removed upon the close of escrow or when the rental or lease has been accomplished, whichever event occurs first.
Section 9.37.130
- All signs, unless otherwise provided for in this Chapter, shall be erected upon the premises occupied by the person or business sought to be identified by such signs.
- No sign shall be located upon or project over a public right-of-way, except projecting signs and signs promoting civic and non-profit activities sponsored by the civic and non-profit organizations subject to the review and approval of the Director of Community Development and in accordance with Section 9.37.160 (Special Use Sign Permits).
- No sign shall be attached to any public utility pole or public property except non-advertising signs or public notices of public utility companies as may be required in their operations which provide service for the health and welfare of the general public or as required by any Federal or State law or agency thereof.
- No sign shall be placed in such a manner that the visibility of a sign on adjacent properties is obscured as viewed from a public or private right-of-way.
- No sign shall extend above the eave line or parapet of the building on which it is located, with the exception of signs located on mansard roofs of buildings without wall area for signage, provided that the sign does not exceed the roofline.
- Signs shall be placed at or near the entrance to a building or site to indicate the most direct access to the business.
- The maximum height of permanent detached signs is six (6) feet. The Community Development Director has the discretion to grant up to a twenty-five (25) percent increase in allowable height, if the Director finds the sign design to be extraordinarily creative and significantly contributing to the character of Dana Point and that the site characteristics warrant the additional height. Sign height shall be measured from the ground (finished grade) directly surrounding the sign to the top of the sign. When signs are constructed on hillsides or embankments where the sign supports are at varying lengths, height shall be measured from the horizontal mid-point of the sign. Signs may exceed the maximum height if approved in conjunction with a variance in accordance with Section 9.37.080.
- Signs located within any required building setback, access intersection or street intersection area shall be located in accordance with the sight distance requirements of Section 9.05.090. No sign shall be located so as to promote a safety hazard as determined by the Director of Community Development.
Section 9.37.150
(a) Permitted Temporary Signs in Residential Districts.
(3) Open House Sign
- Type: Free standing
- Permit Required: No, unless proposed in conjunction with a temporary sales facility
- Max Number: One sign per corner per direction, plus one sign per site
- Aggregate Area: 4 sq. ft.
- Max Height: 4 ft.
- Additional Standards:
- Open house signs may be displayed only until dusk and when the property is available for inspection.
- Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
- Signs shall be placed so that they do not obscure and are not attached to fire hydrants, traffic signals/signs or otherwise inhibit or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- No wind signs (flags, ballons) shall be displayed. However, one flag shall be permitted on site.
(5) Real Estate Sign
- Type: Freestanding or Wall
- Permit Required: No
- Max Number: One per street frontage
- Aggregate Area: 4 sq. ft.
- Max Height: 6 ft.
- Additional Standards:
- Copy may include only information relating to the sale, lease or rental of the premises on which the sign is located.
- Signs shall be removed upon close of escrow or when lease or rental has been accomplished.
Sign Ordinances: Dove Canyon
Real Estates Rules for Dove Canyon Master Association
- All realtors must enter through Guest Lane and provide photo identification with realtor business card to obtain a one day guest pass.
- Caravans are only allowed Monday – Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Realtor may request a DCMA provided directional “OPEN HOUSE” sign with arrow to be placed by the guards from 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at the corner of Sycamore Canyon and Dove Canyon Drive. (signs owned by DCMA). If requested, DCMA will provide one open house signed placed at the waterfall at the corner of Plano Trabuco Rd. and Dove Canyon Dr.
- Directional OPEN HOUSE signs to listed property are allowed on corners where perspective buyers need to turn onto streets. These must be, white background with green “OPEN HOUSE” letters, green arrow, no larger than 10” X 30”, provided by realtor, installed and removed by realtor. Examples of acceptable signage are shown on the attached figure.
- No hangman signs allowed. Realtor may post one of their custom “For Sale or For Lease” signs installed on temporary metal yard stakes on listed property. Realtor “For Sale or For Lease” signs may not exceed 42 inches in height from grade and may not exceed 25” wide X 31” high.
- Signs shall not be displayed on or over Association fencing or walls.
- Directional white and green “OPEN HOUSE” signs can be displayed from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and must be removed by 5:30 p.m. each evening.
- DCMA will remove the directional “OPEN HOUSE” signs at the corner of Sycamore Canyon and Dove Canyon Drive.
- Realtor’s “FOR SALE, FOR LEASE OR SOLD” signs must be removed within 2 days of close of escrow or completion of transaction of sale/lease.
- No real estate related signs of any kind are permitted outside the gates and will be removed immediately by the Association.
- No banners, balloons, or flags are allowed to advertise real estate for sale or lease as they may cause a traffic safety issue, personal safety issue or environmental concern.
Sign Ordinances: Foothill Ranch
Currently under Lake Forest jurisdiction.
PH: (949) 461-3400
Open House
Owners (or their guests) wishing to advertise an “Open House,” for the purpose of selling their residence, must use a standard sign with restrictions on type, location, and quantity.
“Open House” signs may be posted on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays ONLY.
Signs are to conform to the following:
- No larger than 10” x 30”
- Generic green and white signs ONLY
- The words “Open House” and an arrow ONLY
- The owner of the sign shall identify the sign as his/hers in an area no larger than 2”x 3”
- Only one (1) sign TOTAL per corner on major streets (defined as any street outside of the various developments). At a 4-way intersection, there are four (4) corners where only four (4) signs may be placed.
- Signs may not remain on Community Property overnight.
- No riders or flags are permitted
- Signs not in compliance with these Guidelines will be removed by the patrol service, kept for 48 hours and discarded if not claimed. Owners not in compliance with the aforementioned guidelines will be subject to Enforcement Policies.
Sign Ordinances: Fountain Valley
PH: (714) 593-4400
Section 21.24.080 of the Municipal Code
- Number Allowed: 1 per lot or parcel.
- Maximum Area: 15 sq. ft. including all riders
- Maximum Sign Height: 6 ft.
- Requirements: Set back a minimum of 2 ft. from property line. Shall not be mounted on, or extend into, the public right-of-way.
- Time periods: During the period the property is listed for sale, rent or lease, and in any event, shall be removed within 7 days after the property is sold, rented or leased, or the offer is terminated; the property shall be deemed sold upon the close of escrow.
(r) Directional Open House Signage—Tract Entrance(s).
- For the purposes of this section, “tract” shall refer to any quadrant bound by adjacent arterial streets
- Off-site directional open house signs are permitted in accordance with California Civil Code Section 713.
- Open house signs must direct traffic to a property that is offered for sale, rent or lease.
- A maximum of two open house directional signs shall be permitted at each tract entrance per house for sale; the tract entrance is limited to one entrance per arterial street.
- Open house signs at tract entrances shall limit messages to “Open House” but can be personalized to include directional arrow, name of agent, real estate company, phone number, etc.
- Maximum sign area—Twenty-four inches by eighteen inches.
- Maximum height—Forty-two inches; except for those flush mounted on tract wall.
- No flags, pennants, or balloons are permitted on the open house directional signs.
- Signs can only be displayed between six a.m. to eight p.m. on the day of open house.
- Signs must be set back a minimum of two feet from the property line, except for those flush mounted or on top of or behind the tract wall, but signs cannot extend into the public right-of-way.
- One additional open house sign may be placed within the tract at each change of direction from the entrance to the most direct route to the open house.
- Signs can only be placed on private property with consent of the property owner; no sign shall be placed on any public property, including, but not limited to, the public right-of-way, parkway strips, sidewalks, medians, tree wells, power poles, wires and appurtenances, etc.
(s) Directional Open House Signage—Arterial Intersections.
- Off-site directional open house signs are permitted in accordance with California Civil Code Section 713.
- The purpose of the directional open house sign is to direct homebuyer to an open house, not to market an individual agent or real estate company.
- Open house signs must direct traffic to a property that is currently offered for sale, rent or lease.
- A maximum of four off-site open house directional signs shall be permitted per home for sale; a maximum of two signs at any of the four nearest arterial intersections, not to exceed a total of four signs, provided not more than one sign is placed at any single street corner.
- Maximum sign area—Twenty-four inches by nine inches.
- Maximum height—Forty-two inches; except for flush mounted signs on tract walls.
- Signs shall be limited to the following:
- One red, blue or green directional arrow;
- Signs may include the name of agent and phone number or email address in a single colored font not to exceed one and one-half inches.
- No flags, pennants, or balloons are permitted on the open house directional signs.
- Signs can only be displayed between six a.m. to eight p.m. on day of the open house.
- Signs must be set back a minimum of two feet from the property line.
- Signs can only be placed on private property with the consent of owner; no sign shall be placed on any public property, including, but not limited to, the public right-of-way, parkway strip, sidewalks, medians, tree wells, power poles, wires and appurtenances, etc.
(Ord. 1467 § 3, 2011)
Sign Ordinances: Fullerton
PH: (714) 738-6317
Section 15.49.020 of the Municipal Code
- Real estate: for sale or lease sign
- Maximum Number: One per street frontage.
- Maximum Size and Allowance of Sign: 12 square feet.
- Maximum Height: 6 feet.
- Real estate: flags and pennants
- Maximum Number: Three, each no higher than 6 feet OR four, each no higher than 4 feet.
- Maximum Size and Allowance of Sign: 8 square feet.
- Maximum Height: 6 feet.
- Other Limitations: Allowed for a maximum of 6 months.
- Real estate: off-site open house sign
- Maximum Number: Four per open house.
- Maximum Size and Allowance of Sign: 3 square feet.
- Maximum Height: 4 feet.
- Allowable Location: Placed on private property with permission of property owner or placed within parkway of public right-of-way.
- Other Limitations: Allowed for a maximum of 10 hours within a 24-hour period.
Sign Ordinances: Garden Grove
PH: (714) 741-5000
Section 9.20.040 of the Municipal Code
Temporary Real Estate Signs. Two temporary real estate signs, not to exceed fifty square feet in area per face, or one sign not to exceed one hundred square feet in area per face, may be located on any tract recorded within the boundaries of any approved tentative tract map filed with the city in any zone, provided such signs, if in any “R” zone, shall be removed at the end of a twelve month period measured from the date of the resolution of the city coucil accepting the public improvements of the tract upon which said sign or signs are located.
Sign Ordinances: Huntington Beach
CITY COUNCIL PH: (714) 536-5202
Title 23 Chapter 233 233-11 of the Municipal Code
Site Criteria—Real Estate | Type | Maximum Number | Maximum Sign Area | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Standards |
Residential Districts | Freestanding or Wall | One per site | 8 sq. ft. | 6 ft. |
Commercial Office Districts | 20 sq. ft. | 10 ft. | |||
Commercial/Industrial Districts | 30 sq. ft. | 12 ft. | |||
Miscellaneous/All Other Districts | 20 sq. ft. | 10 ft. |
Site Criteria—Real Estate | Type | Maximum Number | Maximum Sign Area | Maximum Sign Height | Additional Standards |
Open House and Real Estate Flags | Freestanding | One sign Three flags per site |
6 sq. ft. 2.5 sq. ft. |
4 ft. 6 ft. |
Sign Retrieval:
Huntington Beach City Maintenance Yard, 17317 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, (714) 960-8861
Sign Ordinances: Irvine
IRVINE, CA 92606
PH: (949) 724-6000
Sec. 7-3-3. - General regulations—Signs exempt from sign permit requirements.
Exemption from sign permits. Certain sign types less than six feet in height are exempt from requirements for a sign permit prior to placing, erecting, moving, reconstruction, changing copy on, altering, or displaying the sign types identified in this section. Signs six feet in height or taller require a sign permit.B.
Exhibits. While the following sign types are exempt from permits requirement, these sign types must be erected in compliance with the general regulations set for the in the following exhibits. The graphic representations of letter styles, structures, and buildings are intended as illustrations only. EXPAND
Sign Type #101 Directional signs in parking lots
Sign Type #102 Residential wall sign
Sign Type #103 Permanent window signs
Sign Type #104 Commercial real estate ground signs
Sign Type #105 Temporary residential real estate signs
Sign Type #106 Temporary off-site commercial signs
Sign Type #107 Temporary non-commercial signs
Sign Type #108 Temporary employment opportunity signs
Sign Type #109 Temporary contractor signs
Sign Type #110 Temporary commercial real estate wall/window signs
Sign Type #111 Temporary window sign in retail building not located in a residential village
Sign Type #112 Hot air balloon, balloon columns, and balloon arches not located in a residential village
Sign Type #113 Pushcart signs
Sign Type #114 Festival banners
Sign Type #115 Balloon columns and balloon arches
Sign Type #116 Orange County Great Park Signs not located in a residential village
(Ord. No. 05-16, § 2, 7-12-05; Ord. No. 10-03, § 3, 4-13-10; Ord. No. 16-06 , § 3(Exh. A), 8-9-16, effective 1-1-17)
Sign Ordinances: La Habra
LA HABRA, CA 90633
PH: (562) 905-9700
Section 15.40.070 of the Municipal Code
B. Real estate signs not more than six square feet in area per face, not exceeding a total height of six feet six inches, exclusive of support structures, for residential-zoned properties, of not more than twenty-four square feet in area per face for commercial and industrial zoned properties, when such signs pertain to the sale or rental of the properties on which they are displayed, but not more than one sign for each street frontage.
Sign Ordinances: La Palma
LA PALMA, CA 90623
PH: (714) 690-3300
Section 44.396 of the Municipal Code
(2) Residential real estate signs. Real estate signs offering property for sale, lease, or rent are allowed on private property in any residential zoning district subject to the owner's permission and the following limitations:
- A maximum of one real estate sign not greater than six square feet for single family uses and 12 square feet for multi-family, to be removed within 30 days after the property is no longer available for sale, lease, or rent.
- Open house directional signs. Temporary and portable real estate signs promoting the viewing of real property for sale as open house are permitted only during periods when either the property owner or sales agent is present and are subject to the following conditions:
- Size and height. The maximum size shall not exceed five square feet and the maximum height shall not be more than three feet above grade.
- Identification. The owner of the sign(s) shall affix its name and telephone number to the sign prior to placement of the sign.
- Location. Signs may be placed on private property with the consent of the owner or within the public right-of-way subject to the following:
- Placement shall be prohibited on all median strips, center dividers, roadway islands or safety zones; and,
- Placement cannot reduce in size, or interfere with, the required disabled access path of travel or impede pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular travel; and,
- The sign shall not be affixed to traffic control devices, government signs, light standards, utility poles, bus shelters, or other structures, posts, fences, shrubs or trees; and,
- On days weather forecasts predict winds of 15 miles per hour or greater, freestanding signs shall be anchored with appropriate weight to prevent dislodging of signs placement.
- Time period. Open house signs may be displayed during the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, and during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
- Number. The total number of open house directional signs per owner or its agent pursuant to this section shall not exceed one per change in direction from the nearest major arterial to the property for sale.
Sign Ordinances: Ladera Ranch
PH: (949) 218-0900
Per a rule change adopted by the LARMAC Board of Directors, open house signs are no longer allowed in the center islands in Ladera Ranch. Please review the rules below regarding the “appearance” and placement of signs. There is a prohibition on photos and logos on open house signs.
For clarification of any of the rules below, please contact Ladera Ranch General Manager Pat Berry at: 949-218-3448.
- Owners of real property within LARMAC may display on their separate interest private property one (1) Real Estate Sign explaining that the property is for sale, lease, or exchange.
- Owners of real property within LARMAC may display on the separate interest private property of others, with the consent of the other owner, one (1) Real Estate Sign that explains that the property is for sale, lease, or exchange.
- All Real Estate Signs must be reasonably located, in plain view of the public, be of reasonable dimension and design, and not adversely affect public safety, including traffic safety.
- Real Estate Signs may also show: directions to the property; owner’s or agent’s name; owner’s or agent’s address and telephone number.
- For purposes of this rule, a Real Estate Sign of 18” x 24” (dimensions) shall be considered a reasonable size for use in the sale of a Condominium/Townhome or cluster style homes in the community. A Real Estate Sign of 24” x 30” (dimensions) shall be considered a reasonable size for use in the sale of single-family residences only.
- “Gallows” type post may be used to hang or display a Real Estate Sign on a single-family residence only. They cannot be used with Condominium/Townhome or cluster style homes in the community.
- No Real Estate Sign may be allowed to fall into disrepair or become unsightly, as determined by the LARMAC Management and/or the Board of Directors.
- Real Estate Signs may have one additional box for containing papers, photos, or other sales materials. Real Estate Signs may have one additional rider.
- All Real Estate Signs must be professionally made.
- No Real Estate Signs may be placed on LARMAC Property, which includes, but is not limited to, greenbelts, parks, clubhouse facilities, medians, island, recreation facilities, and poles (of all kinds and types), etc. However, “Open House” signage may be placed on LARMAC Property in accordance with the “Open House” signage guidelines below.
- “Open House” signs may be allowed, so long as:
- Signs are to conform to the following:
- no larger than 10” x 30” and professionally made,
- generic green and white signs only,
- the words “OPEN HOUSE” and an arrow only. The agent owning the “Open House” sign may place his/her name or business entity and phone number on a sign in green ink with letters a maximum of one inch high, and no length restrictions. Photos and logos are not permitted on Open House signs.
- Open House signs not conforming to the LARMAC Sign Policy may be immediately removed by LARMAC and disposed of.
- Only two (2) signs (in total) per corner on major streets (a major street is defined as any street outside of the various developments). At a four-way intersection, there are four parkway strip corners where only eight (8) signs may be placed regardless of the number of open houses being conducted. The Open House Sign may not be placed on center island medians or on the center traffic circles throughout the community.
- Signs may not remain on LARMAC Property overnight. If a sign is left out overnight, it may be removed by LARMAC and disposed of.
- No riders or flags are permitted on or hanging from an Open House Sign.
- Owners (or their agents) wishing to advertise “OPEN HOUSE” for the purpose of selling their Residences must use a standard sign with restrictions on type, location and quantity, or the owner can work with the Open House Program through the local Realtor group for assistance in posting signage.
- The Open House Program “A-Frame” signs may be posted in front of the Avendale, Oak Knoll and Flintridge Clubhouses in the common area parkway strip with a flyer box attached with the open house maps and flyers enclosed.
- Open House signs are not permitted to be placed in front of or in a location that obstructs the view of a Community Sign as described in section (iv) above.
- Signs are to conform to the following:
- “Garage Sale” signs may be allowed, so long as:
- Residences wishing to advertise “GARAGE SALE” for purposes of selling their goods must use a standard sign with restrictions on type, location and quantity.
- Signs conform to the following:
- no larger than 10” x 30” and tastefully made,
- generic signs only, and
- the words “GARAGE SALE” and an arrow only.
- Signs may not remain on LARMAC Property overnight.
- No riders or flags are permitted on or hanging from a Garage Sale Sign.
- The sign(s) may be placed no earlier than 24 hours prior to the beginning of the Garage Sale and are removed by the end of the Garage Sale.
- Garage Sale signs may not be affixed to any permanent fixtures including, but not limited, to street light poles, parking signs, utility boxes and landscaping. Only two (2) signs (in total) per corner on major streets (a major street is defined as any street outside of the various developments). At a four-way intersection, there are four parkway strip corners where only eight (8) signs may be placed regardless of the number of garage sale being conducted. The Garage Sale Sign may not be placed on center island medians or on the center traffic circles throughout the community.
- Garage Sale signs not conforming to the LARMAC Sign Policy may be immediately removed by LARMAC and disposed of.
Agent/Broker Entry Access
- Real Estate agents/brokers are permitted entry to the Community for the following:
- Show Property.
- Visit with a homeowner whose property is listed with them.
- Agents arc not permitted to solicit Covenant Hills residents for listings; this includes the practice of “farming” and distribution of brochures or other marketing items in the Community.
- Guest Passes arc issued only for one (1) day to licensed real estate agents.
- The Homeowner must call the gate attendant and authorize Ute entry of a real estate agent, or add them to their “permanent guest list”.
- If a real estate agent arrives at the gate and has not been previously authorized entry, the gate attendant should place one courtesy call to the Homeowner or authorized agent to receive permission to admit the agent.
- In the event a potential buyer arrives at the gate that has not been previously authorized for entry, the gate attendant should place one courtesy call to the Homeowner or authorized agent to receive permission to admit the agent.
Open House Events
- Open houses may be held on Saturdays and Sundays only from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Owner or homeowner’s approved agent wishing to hold an open house must contact LARMAC in writing or by fax at least five (5) working days prior to the event, and indicate the date and times of the requested open house.
- Open houses may only be authorized by LARMAC. Admittance for events that arc not approved in advance will not be granted.
- All costs associated with the open house shall be the responsibility of tho Owner.
- Individuals arriving at the gate facility and indicating they will be attending the open house must specify the address of the open house at the gate in order to be ‘issued a pass. Real Estate agents other than the authorized listing agent must also provide a specific address.
- The gate attendant will then call the authorized listing agent to indicate the name of the individual attending the open house.
- The Owner or real estate agent will be asked to report back to the gate attendant if the individual does not show up at the house within a reasonable time.
- A one-day Guest Pass will be issued to the person attending the open house and the gate attendant will inform the individual that they may only visit the authorized home.
- “Open House” signs must conform to all rules of the LARMAC sign policy under the Community Guidelines and will be allowed only on the open house property the day of the open house between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and may only be located at the front of the Lot.
- Flags and addition signage is permitted the day of the Open House only.
- Real estate inquiries that request a specific house address are to be given access to the community with a Guest Pass, according to the procedure of issuing guest passes.
Real Estate Signage Policy for Covenant Hills
There is one sign, which may be used in accordance with this policy during the listing for sale or original construction period of Covenant Hills residential properties in Ladera Ranch. “Exhibit A” is an example of what tho sign will look like.
For Sale Signs:
The standard sign is permitted to be placed on all listings in Covenant Hills. All such signs advertising a home for sale may be placed subject to the following restrictions and requirements:
- All signs must meet the specifics of”Exhibit A”.
- Verbiage on for sale signs is restricted to the Name of the Realty Company, the Realtor Name one phone number and Realtor’s address.
- Sign colors, lettering type and size shall be as required by LARMAC on the “Exhibit A”.
- Signs shall be posted on a 4”x4” wood post painted to match the back ground color of the sign with the bottom edge of the sign 24” from the ground. The post should not extend past the top edge of the sign.
- Signs shall be one sided, placed parallel to the street and at least 10 feet behind curb.
- Riders on signs are limited to one indicating either “Pending” or “Sold”. The riders shall conform in color and style.
- A total of two signs are allowed per property. One to be displayed in the street (driveway) frontage and one in the back of the property.
- A non transparent box may be attached as shown in “Exhibit A”. No information may be displayed on the outside of the box. The box color must match the sign color specified in “Exhibit A.” No brochures may be displayed.
- Each realty company must purchase their own signs.
- All for sale signs must be removed if the property is no longer for sale, no later than 7 days from the close of escrow or cancellation of the listing.
Real Estate Showings
- The resident or non-resident Owner must contact the gale attendant and advise the attendant of the date and time of the visit that someone is expected to view their home.
- The Homeowner or a previously authorized agent or broker must escort any other visitors, unless they appear on the Homeowner’s security information as an authorized guest.
Broker and/or Office Previews
- One (1) broker preview and one (I) office preview per home is allowed in each thirty (30) day calendar period.
- Broker previews and office previews are only allowed Tuesday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 a.m.. to 5:00 p.m.
- Details of the preview, including the date, time and anticipated number of attendees, must be faxed to LARMAC, at least five (5) working days in advance of the broker preview. A list of approved real estate events will be forwarded to the gate attendants each week.
- Real estate agents who arrive at the gate and state that they are attending a preview at the residence address, which has been previously authorized by the Owner and communicated to LARMAC, will be admitted by the gate attendant upon presentation of his or her business card, indicating that the individual is a licensed real estate agent.
- The gate attendant shall list the names of the individuals and their license numbers and phone numbers on the daily sheet.
- All signs must conform to all rules of the Association and sub-association, and must be placed only on the front of the open house property.
- Real estate agents are not allowed to utilize flags or open house signs that deviate from the LARMAC signage program, any sign regulations adopted by the sub-association or any County ordinance.

Sign Ordinances: Laguna Beach
PH: (949) 497-3311
Zoning Division Reference Documents
Real Estate Signage (Definition: “a sign advertising or promoting the sale, lease, or rental of real estate.”)
- Allowed without a sign permit in all zones.
- Exempt from maximum allowable sign area calculations for lot.
- Must advertise the property on which it is located.
- A maximum of one (1) ’rider’ sign, 18 inches wide and 6 inches high is allowed.
Specifications:- Content: Not regulated.
- Number: 1 per frontage.
- Size: 3 square feet per sign face (maximum).
- Height: 4 feet (maximum).
- Location: Minimum 5 feet inside property line—7 feet inside property line if at a corner; Shall not be positioned so as to create a vehicular or pedestrian hazard; corner cutback applies per §25.50.006; if wall-mounted, minimum side setback equal to 10% of frontage, but does not have to exceed 5 feet.
Open House Signage (Definition: “a temporary sign communicating that a property is available for inspection by prospective buyers and that the owner of the property or the owner’s agent is on the premises during the time the property is open for inspection.”)
- Allowed without a sign permit in all zones.
- Must be affixed to a single wood or metal pole.
- ‘Rider’ signs are prohibited.
Specifications:- Content: Shall contain only the wording “Open House” with a directional arrow, except that the identification of the sign’s owner may be affixed in a space not exceeding 3½ inches wide and 3 inches high placed in the upper left corner of the sign; Format shall be green, red, or blue lettering on a white background.
- Number: OnIy one such sign per each direction of any intersection at any time.
- Size: 2 square feet per sign face (maximum).
- Height: 4 feet (maximum).
- Location: Shall not be placed on public property or within the public right-of-way, but only on private property with the prior consent of the property owner; Shall not be positioned so as to create a vehicular or pedestrian hazard.
- Time: Shall be isntalled no ealier than 8:00 a.m. and removed no later than susnet on the day of the open house; Shall only be posted udring the time that the owner/agent is on the premises and the premises are open for inspection.
Important Note Regarding Brochure or Leaflet Holders: Please be advised that boxes, containers, or other devices used for the purpose of holding real estate information or advertising materials are prohibited.
Sign Ordinances: Laguna Hills
PH: (949) 707-2600
Section 9-42.200 of the Municipal Code
E. Open House, Garage/Yard Sale Signs. Open house, garage/yard sale signs shall be limited to two signs per site and one sign per each change of direction for each open house, garage/yard sale at intersections within the tract and one sign placed at each entrance to the tract. No sign shall be placed upon any private property without the consent of the owner.
For open house signs, the entrance sign shall be in any combination of green and white, or a generic homeowners association sign approved by the Community Development Director, and shall bear the copy “OPEN HOUSE” with an arrow pointing in the appropriate direction. For garage/yard sale signs, entrance sign copy shall be limited to “GARAGE/YARD SALE” and not include the property address. Each sign shall be firmly affixed to a support stake and shall not exceed a height of four feet, and an area of four square feet. Signs may be displayed during the time of the open house but shall not exceed the period between dawn and dusk daily. Open house signs may be located in the public right-of-way, but shall not be attached to fire hydrants, traffic signals, or utility poles, nor placed in any area that may otherwise inhibit or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
Garage/yard sale signs shall only be permitted on the day and during the hours of the event and shall not be attached to fire hydrants, traffic signals, or utility poles, nor placed in any area that may otherwise inhibit or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic nor encroach in a public right-of-way.
F. Real Estate Signs. The copy of these signs shall be limited to information relating to the sale, lease or rental of the premises on which the sign is located. A maximum of one sign per building site is permitted. The display of a real estate sign, for single-family properties, is restricted to the front yard of the property for sale. The maximum area of a sign shall not be greater than six square feet with a maximum height of six feet. These signs shall be removed upon the close of escrow or when lease or rental has been accomplished.
Sign Ordinances: Laguna Niguel
PH: (949) 362-4300
Section 9.1.74 of the Municipal Code
- Residential real estate signs. Temporary non-illuminated on-premise real estate signs advertising the sale, rent, or lease of the property and the identification of the person or firm handling the sale, lease or rent, shall be permitted on any building site subject to the following:
- For residential building sites with four or less units, total aggregate sign area, including riders, shall not exceed six square feet per sign face. For residential building sites with five or more units, total aggregate sign area, including riders, shall not exceed 20 square feet.
- If located in a window, the real estate sign shall not cover more than 20 percent of the window or window pane in which it is placed.
- Maximum height for free-standing signs shall be six feet and one sign is permitted per street or golf course frontage up to a maximum of two signs per building site.
- No part of any sign shall be placed between the back of the curb and the sidewalk. Also, signs shall not be placed within a public right-of-way or in areas adjacent to designated scenic corridors.
- Signs shall be removed within five days after close of escrow, lease or rent.
- Residential off-premise open house directional signs. Temporary non-illuminated off-premise open house directional signs shall be permitted subject to the following:
- A maximum of two signs are permitted, each with a maximum area of four square feet per sign face and a maximum height of four feet.
- Signs are permitted only when the premises are open for inspection and when an owner or owner’s agent is on the premises and shall be installed no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and removed no later than sunset.
- No part of any sign shall be placed between the back of the curb and the sidewalk. Also, signs shall not be placed within a public right-of-way. Signs may be posted on private property with the prior consent of the property owner.
- Signs may be located only in the immediate vicinity of street intersections and shall not be located mid-block, unless topography, landscaping, and/or other physical constraints interfere with sign visibility, in which case the sign may be located more distant from the intersection. The intent of the foregoing provision is to prohibit unnecessary multiple open house signs located mid-block.
Refer to Placement Guide on following page.

Sign Ordinances: Laguna Woods
PH: (949) 639-0500
Effective immediately, the following rules apply to real estate signs for United and Third Mutual.
- A maximum of one (1) “For Sale” or “For Lease” or “For Rent” sign may be placed at a Manor. It may be in a window, on a gate, or on a post placed within one (1) foot of the building. Signs are not allowed on balcony or stairway railings. The maximum size is 6 square feet, and if placed in a window it may be no larger than 20% of the window size. No illumination is allowed. The maximum character size is twelve (12) inches. There is no restriction as to how long the sign may remain posted. Security will photograph then where feasible remove excessive or improperly posted signs.
- “Open House” signs may only be present on Saturday and Sunday, between 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Security will remove any signs present beyond the permitted days and hours.
- At the entrance to or anywhere within a culde- sac a maximum of three (3) “Open House” signs per manor may be placed. These signs may be up to 24” x 24” in size. There are no other specifications regarding the appearance of these signs. Security will photograph then remove excessive or improperly posted signs.
- “Open House” directional (designated by an arrow) signs may be placed at street intersections and cul-de-sac entrances only. No mid-block signs are allowed.
- Directional signs must conform to an approved design: 24” x 9” corrugated plastic with vinyl letters and using approved colors, font and logo (see example attached).
4a. Available for purchase from RESS - Real Estate Signs & Supplies (949) 855-1355. - At any street intersection or cul-de-sac entrance there may be no more than
- one (1) directional sign pointing in any one direction, and
- four (4) total directional signs, regardless of the number of open houses in the vicinity.
- The rules allow for both a 24”x24” sign and a 24”x9” directional sign to be placed at a culde- sac entrance.
- Security will photograph, then remove all duplicate, excessive, and improperly placed directional signs. If you know which properly placed sign was installed first, remove the subsequently placed sign(s). If you do not know which properly placed sign was installed first, randomly remove the excessive sign(s).
- Removed signs will be deposited at the Service Center and disposed of every Wednesday in accordance with current practice.
Reference Village Board Resolutions: United Mutual #01-11-229, and #01-12-33; Third Mutual #03-11-214, and #03-12-21; and GRF #90-11-117.
Sign Ordinances: Lake Forest
PH: (949) 461-3400
Table 9.164.090 of the Municipal Code
10. Real Estate—Leasing or Sales (Residential Uses)
Permit Required: None
Maximum Number: One sign per residence
Maximum Size: 16 sq. ft.
Maximum Height:
- Standard: 4 feet
- Colonial Post: 6 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
Additional Standards:
- Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
11. Open House Identification (On-site) (Residential Uses)
Permit Required: None
Maximum Number: One sign per site
Maximum Size: 4 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
Additional Standards:
- Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
- One flag not exceeding 2 ft. × 2 ft. shall be permitted per site.
12. Open House Directional (Off-site) (Residential Uses)
Permit Required: None
Maximum Number: Minimum necessary to locate home; one sign per intersection per open house
Maximum Size: 4 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
Additional Standards:
- Open house directional signs may be displayed only between dawn and dusk.
- Open house directional signs may be placed in the public right-of-way, but not in street median. Placement on private property requires consent of the owner.
Sign Ordinances: Lakewood
PH: (562) 866-9771
Section 9500 of the Municipal Code
Certain signs shall be exempt from permit requirements and from the limitations on signs specified in Sections 9505 and 9506. However, exempted signs shall not be exempt from any of the prohibitions listed in Section 9503. Exempted signs shall include, but are not specifically limited thereto, the following:
- One (1) unlighted, free-standing real estate sign per frontage, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area per face and not exceeding eight (8) feet in height from grade level pertaining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the particular building or property upon which displayed, in an R-1, M-F-R, R-A, or A zone.
- One (1) unlighted real estate sign per frontage, not exceeding 20 square feet in size, pertaining only to the sale, lease, or rental of the particular building or property in a commercial, manufacturing or open space zone where such sign is displayed. (Amended by Ord. 2005-8)
- Unlighted real estate signs, up to three (3) square feet in area per face, and pennants used for an open house activity, provided that a real estate agent is present at the site for sale and no signs encroach on the public right-of-way. (Revised 2005)
Sign Ordinances: Long Beach
PH: (956) 570-6325
Section 21.44.070 of the Municipal Code
11. Open house signs or flags/banners
Maximum Height: 4 ft.
Maximum Area: 6 sq. ft.
Maximum Number: No maximum limit
Other Conditions:
- May be used on temporary basis only when house is open for inspection without an appointment
- May not be placed on public property
13. Real estate signs (on-premises) advertising sale, rental or lease of property and/or Real estate banners.
Maximum Height—8 ft. Area -
- Non-residential use—32 sq. ft.
- Residential use—6 sq. ft. for first dwelling unit plus 1 sq. ft. for each additional unit up to 32 sq. ft. maximum
Maximum Height—no specifications
Area—32 sq. ft. or 6 sq. ft./additional units, whichever is less
Maximum Number: 1 per street abutting premises 1 in addition to 1 other real estate sign on each street frontage.
Other Conditions:
- Types limited to non-illuminated wall, window, freestanding or banner signs
- No signs may be placed on public property
- Signs and/or banners may be displayed only during the period the premises is held for sale, rental or lease, and for not more than 15 days thereafter
Sign Ordinances: Los Alamitos
PH: (562) 431-3538
Section 17.28.050 of the Municipal Code
Real estate for sale, lease, rental or open house signs, provided that:
- Signs are posted on the subject private property only.
- Signs shall not be permanent in nature and shall only be allowed for the time the subject property or structure is available for sale, resale, lease, or rent.
- New developments, with units for original sale, lease or rent may have one real estate sign per street frontage. More than one sign may be allowed for parcels with street frontages greater than two hundred fifty (250) linear feet. Minimum distances between signs shall be two hundred fifty (250) linear feet. These signs are limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight feet in height measured from grade level.
- Property with existing residential units for sale, resale, lease, or rent may have one real estate sign per unit or street frontage. The sign area shall not exceed six square feet and five feet in height in the single-family residential zoning districts or for condominium uses and thirty-two (32) square feet and eight feet in height in the multiple-family residential zoning districts.
- Developed or undeveloped land for sale in the commercial or industrial zoning districts may have one real estate sign per street frontage. More than one sign may be allowed for parcels with street frontages greater than two hundred fifty (250) linear feet. Minimum distances between signs shall be two hundred fifty (250) linear feet. These signs are limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight feet in height.
- Signs shall be maintained in a clean, orderly fashion and shall be removed upon the close of escrow or when the rental or lease has been accomplished, whichever occurs first. Open house signs shall be removed at the end of the open house.
Sign Ordinances: Mission Viejo
PH: (949) 470-3000
Section 9.29.225 of the Municipal Code
The following signs are exempt from the sign permit requirements set forth in this division:
(a) On-site residential real estate signs, including window signs, advertising the sale, lease, or rent of the property shall be permitted subject to the following:
- Signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, and a height of four feet, with the exception of single-family detached residences where colonial signs shall be permitted.
- Signs shall be removed within 24 hours after close of escrow, lease, or rent.
- No flags or balloons shall be displayed.
- A rider not exceeding six inches in height by 24 inches in length or eight inches in height by 18 inches in length may be attached to the top of the sign.
- Signs shall be placed so that they do not obscure fire hydrants, traffic signs or traffic signals, block motorists’ line of sight, or otherwise inhibit or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- No part of any sign shall be within three feet of the sidewalk, or six feet of the curb, whichever is greater.
- Sign shall be placed at the immediate entrance of the subject residential unit, with the exception of single-family detached residence where the sign shall be placed only in the front yard of the subject property. Only one sign per available lease space or residential unit shall be permitted.
(b) Off-site open house directional signs shall be permitted subject to the following:
- Signs shall not be permitted on public property. An owner of real property or his/her agent may display the sign on real property owned by another with that person’s prior consent.
- Signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, and a height of four feet including the vertical post.
- Signs are only permitted to be posted during the time an owner or owner’s agent is on the premises and the premises are open for inspection.
- The signs shall be installed no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and removed no later than sunset.
- The signs shall not be installed in a manner which creates a hazard to traffic or pedestrians.
- No flags, pennants, balloons, or other attention-attracting devices shall be displayed.
(d) Nameplate signs not exceeding one square foot in area shall be permitted in locations approved by the director of community development.
(e) One sign, not more than one foot by one foot, listing the hours during which the premises are open, and emergency numbers, may be displayed in the window of each business establishment.
Sign Ordinances: Newport Beach
PH: (949) 644-3309
The Newport Beach Sign Code provides specific regulations on the placement, allowable number, and size of real estate signs. These regulations are intended to allow realtors to effectively market a property while preventing a proliferation of real estate signs in residential neighborhoods and ensuring signs are not placed in hazardous locations. The City’s regulations for real estate signs can be found in Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 20.42.090
Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding the City’s real estate sign standards for residential zoning districts:
Q. Are there restrictions on the size of real estate signs?
A. Real estate signs are limited to 1.5 square feet (216 squares inches) and no more than 4 feet in height. Note: 216 square inches may be achieved using any length and width dimensions.
Q. How many real estate signs may be present at the listed property?
A. Only one real estate sign is allowed per lot for sale.
EXCEPTIONS: During an open house, one (1) additional sign may be placed on the lot for sale and up to three (3) additional signs may be placed off-site on private property. All signs must meet size dimension requirements.
Q. Where may I place real estate signage?
A. Real estate signs can only be placed on private property. Temporary signs are not allowed on public property or rights-of-way (sidewalks, streets and center medians). The Golden Rule for real estate signs is to place the signs in a location that does NOT create a hazard to vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
Q. May I use balloons or flags at the listed property?
A. No. Flags, pennants, balloons, streamers, and other attention-attracting devices are not permitted.
Q. What if my real estate signs do not comply with City standards?
A. The Code Enforcement Team will likely provide a realtor with a reasonable timeframe to gain compliance. However, City staff may remove any signs that are placed on public property or create a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
Q. Are there different sign regulations for commercial properties?
A. Yes, realtors are encouraged to contact the City’s Planning Division at (949) 644-3204 or visit the Newport Beach website at for additional information.
For additional questions or information regarding real estate signs, contact the Code Enforcement Division Monday through Friday at 949-644-3215.
Sign Ordinances: Orange
ORANGE, CA 92866
PH: (714) 744-2225
Section 17.36.110 of the Municipal Code
- Neighborhood Identification Signs.
- Single Family Residential Tracts. Two signs shall be permitted at each entry point to any singlefamily residential neighborhood comprised of two acres or more. Such a sign shall not exceed an area of 35 square feet, with a maximum height of 42 inches, if located on a wall measuring at least five feet in height; and a maximum area of 20 square feet, with a maximum height of 24 inches on a wall measuring less than five feet in height.
- Apartments or Condominiums. One sign shall be permitted per street frontage for any multiplefamily apartment or condominium complex of not less than ten units. Such a sign shall not exceed an area of 35 square feet with a maximum height of 42 inches.
- Mobile Home (MH) Districts. Mobile home parks may have one identification sign per park entrance, which may consist of one of the following:
- Ground Sign. A mobile home park ground sign shall not exceed a height of 42 inches, measured from the top of the curb within the adjacent public right of way to the highest portion of the sign structure. Display area shall not exceed an area of 24 square feet.
- Wall Sign. A mobile home park wall sign may be affixed to the screening wall, at any entrance. Such a sign shall not exceed 42 inches in height, and an area of 35 square feet.
- Open House Signs. Signs advertising private residences as open for inspection, intended for prospective buyers, may not be placed on public rights of way, but may be placed upon private property subject to the consent of the owner, lessee, or legal occupant of the property upon which the sign is located. Such signs are unlimited in number, but may not exceed six square feet in area.
(Ords. 12-95; 34-89: Prior Code 17.78.120)
Sign Ordinances: Placentia
PH: (714) 993-8117
Section 23.90.060 of the Municipal Code
One (1) double-faced real estate sign not exceeding six (6) feet in area nor four (4) feet in height, pertaining to the sale or rental of the property on which displayed, provided that not more than one (1) sign per street frontage is allowed, and provided that such sign shall be removed at the time the property is sold or rented;
Section 23.90.140
Off-site directional signs for the location of open houses, new residential developments, and garage sales are permitted subject to the following:
- Signs may only be posted on weekends between six (6) p.m. on Friday and six (6) p.m. on Sunday, on legal holidays between eight (8) a.m. and six (6) p.m., and between eight (8) a.m. and two (2) p.m. on one weekday designated by the city council.
- Signs may be posted within the public right-of-way only within parkways, treewells and parkway vistas. Signs may not be posted in median islands, on utility poles, light standards, traffic signals, street trees, tract entry planters that are public, or in any fashion that would interfere with traffic signals or sight visibility at intersections and driveways.
- There shall be no more than one sign per direction of traffic at any intersection within the public right-of-way.
- Signs shall be at least one thousand (1,000) feet apart, except at intersections.
- Maximum area of directional signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet, nor shall any sign be erected in excess of four (4) feet in height.
- Signs may be posted on private property.
(Ord. 99-O-112 § 1, 1999; Ord. 85-O-125 (part), 1985)
Sign Ordinances: Rancho Mission Viejo
MMC Real Estate Sign Guidelines
Owners may only display one (1) professionally made real estate sign indicating that the property is either for sale, lease or exchange. The following table outlines the basic requirements of posting real estate signs within the community of Ranch Mission Viejo.
Type of Unit | Dimensions | Display | Extras |
Condominium/Townhouse Residence or Cluster Style Residences | 18” x 24” | Condominium style sign placed closest to the unit (may be located in the common area) | May have one (1) additional box for containing papers, photos, or other sales materials. May also have one (1) additional rider. |
Single-Family Residences | 24” x 30” | Gallows type post may be used to hang or display real estate sign | May have one (1) additional box for containing papers, photos, or other sales materials. May also have one (1) additional rider. |
Open House signs are allowed but they are required to meet the community guidelines. Non-conforming signs may be immediately removed and disposed of. The following checklist will provide you with the necessary information to assist you in positioning Open House signs within the community of Ranch Mission Viejo.
Requirements for Open House Signs:
- A professional made sign that is no larger than 10” x 30”
- Generic green and white color signs only
- Signs must only contain the words “Open House” and a directional arrow
- The agent owning the Open House sign may place his/her name or business entity and phone number on a sign in green ink (characters must be smaller than one inch in height, no length restrictions)
- Photos and logos are not permitted on Open House signs
- Riders or flags are not permitted on or hanging from an Open House sign
Placements of Open House Signs
- Only a total of two (2) signs are permitted to be place per corner on major streets—any street outside of the various developments. At a four-way intersection, there are four corners where only eight (8) signs may be placed regardless of the number of open houses being conducted.
- Open House signs are not permitted to be placed in front of or in a location that obstructs the view of a Community Sign and may not remain on Rancho MMC Property overnight.
Sign Ordinances: Rancho Santa Margarita
22112 EL PASEO
PH: (949) 635-1800
Section 9.07.130 of the Municipal Code
Table 9.07.1
Temporary Signs Permitted in Residential Districts
Class | Type | Permit Required | Max. Number | Max. Area | Max. Height | Additional Standards | ||
Real Estate—Residence for Sale/Rent (Single-Family) | Monument (Temporary) | No | One sign per residence | Six sq . ft. (including riders) | Standard Four ft. | Placement shall be permitted on private property only. | ||
Real Estate—Residence for Sale/Rent (Single-Family) | Monument (Temporary) | Yes | One sign per residential project | 20 sq. ft. (including riders) | Standard Five ft. | (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only with consent of property owner. (b) Sign shall not advertise vacancies in tenancy. |
Open House Identification (on-site) | Monument (Temporary) | No | One sign per site | Four sq. ft. | Four ft. | (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only wih consent of property owner. (b) One flag not exceeding two ft. x two ft. shall be permitted per site. |
Open House Directional (off-site) | Monument (Temporary) | No | Minimum necessary to locate home. One sign per intersection | Four sq. ft. | Four ft. | (a) Open house directional signs may be displayed only between 8:00 a.m. and dusk. (b) Open house directional signs may be placed only on private property with the consent of the property owner. |
Individual Garage/Yard Sale Identification (on-site) | Wall, monument, or window (temporary) | No | One sign per garage sale residence | Four sq. ft. | Four Ft. |
Individual Garage/Yard Sale Identification (off-site) | Monument (temporary) | No |
Four sq. ft. | Four ft. |
Any other sign described in Table 9.07.6. |
Sign Ordinances: RSM-SAMLARC
PH: (949) 709-0010
Rancho Santa Margarita Landscape and Recreation Corporation (SAMLARC)
Owners (or their agents) wishing to advertise “OPEN HOUSE” for the purpose of selling their Residence, must use a standard sign with restrictions on type, location and quantity.
Signs are to conform to the following:
- No larger than 10” x 30”.
- Generic green and white signs, only.
- The words “OPEN HOUSE” and an arrow, only.
- The sign shall be of the type available to Realtors at the Orange County Association of REALTORS®, Sign Masters in Mission Viejo, and RESS Real-estate signs and supplies in Lake Forest.
The Owner of the sign shall identify the sign as his/hers in an area no larger than 2”x 3”.
Only one (1) sign (in total) per corner on major streets (a major street is defined as any street outside of the various developments). At a four-way intersection, there are four corners where only four signs may be placed.
Signs may not remain on Community Property overnight.
No riders or flags are permitted.
“OPEN HOUSE” signs may be posted on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, only.
Signs not complying with the Guidelines will be removed by SAMLARC. These signs will be kept for Forty-eight (48) hours and then, if not claimed, may be discarded.
The Owner of the Residence for sale is solely responsible for adherence to the Guidelines. Owners not complying with the Guidelines will be subject to SAMLARC Enforcement Policies.
Sign Ordinances: San Clemente
PH: (949) 361-8200
Below are the Real Estate Sign Rules:
1) No sign, poster, billboard, advertising device, or other display of any kind shall be displayed for public view except such signs as may be used by Declarant and Participating Builders, Apartment Project Owners, and their successors, in connection with the development of the Property and the sale or leasing of apartments or residences. All signs must conform to all applicable governmental ordinances.
2) The following criteria applies to “FOR SALE/LEASE” signs:
- All signs for the purpose of selling a Residence must be professionally prepared on weather-resistant material and shall not exceed 24” X 36″.
- The number of signs on any Lot shall not exceed one (1) sign.
- No signs shall be placed on TMC Property, which includes, and may not be limited to, landscaping, median islands, poles, and buildings.
- An Owner may display on his/her Lot or on real property owned by others with their consent, signs of reasonable dimensions and design, which are reasonably located, and which advertise the property for sale or lease.
- The top of the sign shall not exceed 3’-0” above ground level.
- No sign shall be attached to the ground by means other than a conventional single vertical stake which shall not exceed 4” X 4” in diameter.
Items #3 – 10 below apply specifically to Open House signage on TMC property:
3) Owners (or their agents) wishing to advertise an “OPEN HOUSE” for the purpose of directing traffic to their Residence for sale, must use the approved TALEGA OPEN HOUSE directional sign.
4) The TALEGA OPEN HOUSE directional sign may only be purchased through the approved vendor.
Real Estate Signs & Supplies (R.E.S.S)
23252 Del Lago
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 855-1355
5) Owners (or their agents) wishing to purchase a TALEGA OPEN HOUSE directional sign may request a sign order form from R.E.S.S., from the Talega Swim & Athletic Club.
6) Only one Talega OPEN HOUSE directional sign, pointing in any one direction, per street corner will be allowed. (i.e. if there is more than one open house heading in the same direction, there will still be only one Talega OPEN HOUSE sign used as a directional to the Open Houses.)
7) Owners (or their agents) wishing to advertise “OPEN HOUSE” at the property address for the purpose of selling their Residences, must use a standard sign to conform as follows:
- No larger than 10″ x 30″,
- Professionally prepared and,
- The words “OPEN HOUSE.”
8) Signs may not remain on TMC Property overnight.
9) No riders or flags are permitted.
10) Signs not complying with the community Guidelines will be summarily removed by TMC.
11) Display of Signs, Posters, Flags and Banners (Civil Code 1353.6)
- Noncommercial signs, posters, flags, or banners may be posted or displayed on or in an owner’s separate interest, except as required for the protection of public health or safety or if the posting or display would violate a local, state, or federal law.
- Noncommercial sign, poster, flag, or banner may be made of paper, cardboard, cloth, plastic, or fabric, and may be posted or displayed from the yard, window, door, balcony, or outside wall of the separate interest. They may not be made of lights, roofing, siding, paving materials, flora, or balloons, or any other similar building, landscaping, or decorative component, or include the painting of architectural surfaces.
- The association prohibits non-commercial signs and posters that are more than nine (9) square feet in size and non-commercial flags or banners that are more than fifteen (15) square feet in size.
- Flags, signs and posters that fall into disrepair or become unsightly must be removed or replaced.
- Any signs, directional signs, or banners placed on the private streets or in the common area shall be subject to immediate removal.
12) Construction/landscape signs. No signs shall be displayed on any lot other than a sign advertising the property for sale permitted by the Declaration. This limitation applies to tradesmens’, contractors’ and installers’ signs of any type, including the signs identifying the Lot as the site of their activities or operations.
Sign Ordinances: San Juan Capistrano
PH: (949) 493-1171
Section 9.3.543 of the Municipal Code
(f ) Signs Exempt from a Permit. The following signs shall be allowed without a sign permit and shall not be included in the determination of type, number or area of signs allowed on a building or parcel.
2. Temporary Signs.
- Real Estate Sale or Lease Signs (not including banners). One property sale or lease sign is allowed on each 600 lineal feet of street frontage of the property. Such sign may be single or double faced and is limited to nine (9) square feet for lots less than one acre, not more than sixteen (16) square feet for lots more than one acre and placed a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet from the curb, otherwise not more than twelve (12) square feet, and thirty-two (32) square feet for lots immediately adjacent to the I-5 Freeway, or up to sixty (60) square feet at the discretion of the Community Development Director;
- Open House Sign. Only one sign is allowed on each frontage of the property. Such a sign may be single or double faced and is limited to three (3) square feet or less. The sign supporting structure shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. Such a sign shall be erected and removed on the day the open house is held and shall not be fastened or attached in any way to a building face or architectural element.
Type of Sign: Real Estate or Leasing Signs
District/Land Use: All Districts
Max Height (in no case above eaves):
- 6 ft.
- Max. Height (Square Feet)**: 9 sq. ft.
- For lots less than one acre. One Sign per 600 ft. of street frontage.
- 6 ft.
- Max. Height (Square Feet)**: 16 (minimum 20 ft. setback from curb, otherwise 12)
- For lots greater than one acre. One sign per 600 lineal feet of frontage.
- 9 ft.
- Max. Height (Square Feet)**: 32 or up to 60 with Community Development Director approval.
- For lots less abutting the I-5 Freeway. One sign per 600 lineal feet of street frontage.
Sign Ordinances: Santa Ana
PH: (714) 647-5400,CA.pdf
Sec. 41-869. - Reserved. Sec. 41-870. - Real estate signs. (a) Residential units. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, signs advertising the sale, lease or rental of one (1) or more dwellings units are prohibited, except that no more than one (1) sign may be permitted on the site of such unit(s) without the necessity of obtaining a permit, provided the following standards are met: (1) The sign shall not be illuminated. (2) The sign area shall not exceed four (4) square feet. (3) The sign shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. (4) No other sign advertising the sale or lease of one (1) or more dwelling units shall be installed on the same site. (5) A sign for the rental or lease of a unit shall correspond to an actual vacancy and shall not be permitted on fully occupied sites. The sign shall be removed within fourteen (14) days after the sale or lease of the property. (b) Nonresidential units. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, signs advertising the sale or lease of one (1) or more nonresidential units are prohibited, except that no more than one (1) sign may be installed per street frontage of such property without the necessity of obtaining a permit, provided the following standards are met: (1) The sign shall not be illuminated. (2) The sign area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (3) The sign shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. (4) No more than one (1) sign advertising the sale or lease of units of real property shall be installed on the same street frontage of the same site. (5) A sign for the rental or lease of a unit shall correspond to an actual vacancy and shall not be permitted on fully occupied sites. The sign shall be removed with fourteen (14) days of the rental or lease of the unit(s). (6) Placement of such sign shall correspond directly with the space available and shall not be located at unrelated businesses. (c) New developments. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a sign advertising the first-time sale or lease of units of real estate within a site which is being or has been newly developed or redeveloped may be installed on such site pursuant to a permit issued pursuant to this article for a one-year period, provided the following standards are met: (1) The sign shall not be illuminated. (2) The sign area shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet. (3) The sign shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in height. (4) No other sign advertising the sale or lease of units of real estate shall be installed on the same site. (5) Notwithstanding the above, the sign shall be removed within fifteen (15) days of full occupancy of the site.
Sign Ordinances: Seal Beach
PH: (562) 431-2527
Section 11.4.25 of the Municipal Code
- On-Site Real Estate Signs. On-premises signs conveying information about the sale, rental, or lease of the appurtenant lot, premises, dwelling, or structure, provided that they comply with the following standards:
- No more than one real estate sign per public street frontage per lot is displayed at any one time;
- The sign or signs do not exceed the following size restrictions:
- Residential districts: 6 square feet;
- Commercial, mixed-use, or other non-residential districts:
- Lots less than 10,000 square feet: 6 square feet;
- Lots between 10,000 square feet and I acre: 25 square feet; and
- Lots over one acre: 50 square feet.
- The sign or signs are not illuminated; and
- The sign or signs are removed within 7 days after the sale, lease, or rental of the property has been completed.
Sign Ordinances: Stanton
PH: (714) 379-9222
Section 20.26.060 of the Municipal Code
Class: 7. Real Estate
Type: Freestanding
Max. Number: One per residence
Max. Sign Area: 4 sq. ft.
Max. Sign Height: 6 ft.
Location: Within the subject property, at least 5 ft. inside property line.
Illumination Allowed: No
- Copy limited to the sale, rent or lease of the subject property;
- Real estate signs shall be removed immediately after sale or lease, as defined by close of escrow.
Permit Required: No
Sign Ordinances: Tustin
TUSTIN, CA 92780
PH: (714) 573-3000
Following a series of public hearings and workshops, the Tustin City Council adopted amendments to the City’s Sign Code on April 3, 2007. These changes to the City’s Sign Code become effective on May 3, 2007. Until that date, the City’s existing Sign Code remains in effect. Enforcement of the new Code provisions will not begin until June 8, 2007 to give real estate professionals additional time to adapt to the new requirements. After June 8, 2007, City staff will remove all signs that are not in compliance with the new requirements and will bill for the cost of removal and/or pursue other legal remedies.
Many local real estate professionals attended the hearings and workshops and provided input into the process, as some of the amendments pertain to real estate open house signs in the public right of way, and include the following:
- All “Open House” signs in the public parkway, including adjacent City landscape easements, must be generic signs.
- General signs MUST include the words “Open House”.
- Generic signs may be any color(s).
- Generic signs MUST contain a directional arrow.
- Generic signs MUST feature the address of the open house in letters between two (2) and four (4) inches in height.
- No additional text or graphics is allowed on generic signs.
- The maximum allowable size of open house signs is still three (3) square feet, and the maximum height is still four (4) feet.
- “Open House” signs are still prohibited in all street medians.
- “Open House” signs along private streets are not required to be generic signs. (Please note: Private homeowners’ associations and property owners have the discretion to prohibit open house signs on their properties and may remove them.)
- “Open House” signs may only be placed between 25 and 300 feet of an intersection. The attached exhibit provides examples of allowable areas.
- There is no limitation on the total number of signs citywide. However, a maximum of one sign per open house is allowed at any one change of direction.
- The name, address, and phone number of the real estate licensee holding the open house and broker must be provided on the sign and not exceed ten (10) square inches.
- “Open House” signs in Tustin may only pertain to open houses in Tustin and Tustin’s Sphere of Influence (Tustin and a portion of unincorporated Orange County). A map showing this area is attached to this letter.
- “Open House” signs may only be posted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
If you have any questions regarding the adopted sign code amendments, please contact Senior Planner Scott Reekstin at (714) 573-3016 or by e-mail at
For examples of approved signs go to:

Sign Ordinances: Villa Park
PH: (714) 998-1500
Section 23.16.7 of the Municipal Code
Temporary signs mean a sign erected for a temporary purpose attracting attention to an activity as provided for within this chapter and includes any political sign.
Size. Temporary signs, including real estate signs, shall not exceed six (6) square feet in total area for one (1) side. No sign shall exceed seven (7) feet in total height from the finished or natural grade where the sign is placed in a front yard setback and ten (10) feet in total height in a rear or side yard setback (exhibit 23-16.7(a)(2)).
Placement. No person shall affix a temporary sign on any traffic signal, utility pole or box, traffic control device, or public tree. Furthermore, temporary signs shall not be located within, median, public property or within a public park area. Public right-of-way within residential districts is the first seven (7) feet behind the curb line and temporary signs are allowed within this area. (exhibit 23-16.7 (a)(3)) Real estate signs shall be limited to one (1) per building site.
Sign Ordinances: Westminster
PH: (714) 898-3311
Section 17.330.080 of the Municipal Code
For a real estate sign, only the name, address, and phone number of the broker are permitted, as well as the words “for sale,” “for lease,” or “for rent.”
Sign Ordinances: Yorba Linda
PH: (714) 961-7100
Section 18.24.080 of the Municipal Code
- For Sale or Rental Signs. For sale or rental signs in any zone other than commercial and industrial: one (1) unlighted sign not exceeding six (6) square feet on each street frontage adjoining a site shall be permitted. Freestanding signs shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. Where ornamental wooden or metal frames are used to support such signs, the overall height shall not exceed six (6) feet.
For sale or rental signs in any C zone or M zone: one (1) unlighted sign not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet on each street frontage adjoining a site shall be permitted. Freestanding signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height including base or other mounting structures. Where sale or rental signs are placed in windows of office and/or retail buildings or individual suites, said signs shall be limited to one (1) such sign per building/suite face and each sign shall not exceed a maximum size of six (6) square feet.
The design and structural specifications for real estate and development signs shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Director and/or Building Official if a permanent mounting frame or structure is used.
- Construction Signs. One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, for each contractor, architect or engineer engaged in the project shall be permitted. Construction signs on the site of a project actively under construction may be combined. Combined signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area. Freestanding signs shall not exceed four (4) feet in height.
- Off-site Directional Subdivision Signs. Unlighted directional subdivision signs shall be permitted in any zone provided there shall be no more than sixty-four (64) square feet of total sign area for each subdivision and a total of two (2) signs. Maximum sign height shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet. Multiple signs for multiple subdivisions may be combined into a single sign. Such off-site signs shall be permitted to remain only as long as a sales office is maintained in the subdivision and provided that such signs are maintained in good condition as determined by the Building Official. If located within the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department.
- On-site Subdivision Signs. On-site subdivision signs shall be permitted provided there shall be no more than sixty-four (64) square feet of total sign area for each subdivision and a total of two (2) signs. Maximum sign height shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet. Multiple signs for a subdivision may be combined into a single sign. Such on-site signs shall be permitted to remain only as long as a sales office is maintained in the subdivision and provided that such signs are maintained in good condition as determined by the Building Official.
- Deviations to subsections C and D above may be approved by the Planning Commission in conjunction with a planned sign program in accordance with Section 18.24.380
- Subdivision Entrance Signs. Subdivision entrance signs indicating the name of the subdivision or development shall be permitted at the major street entrance to a subdivision or development. Each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area, and may be either a freestanding monument sign or attached to and not extending above a wall or fence. Such signs shall be constructed of materials so as to render them not readily susceptible to deterioration or vandalism. Furthermore, all freestanding monument signs shall be constructed on private property within the subdivision or development and be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission through a sign request application.
- Open House Signs. For the purposes of residential dwelling resale, four (4) temporary real estate freestanding, directional signs may be used to direct traffic to “open house” and “caravans.” Such signs shall be a maximum of three (3) square feet and may be displayed only between the hours of eight (8) a.m. and sundown. A maximum of two (2) flags on each side of a lot facing on a street may be displayed.
- Real estate for-sale signs shall be removed upon sale and close of escrow of the property.
- For the purpose of administering this chapter, apartment or group housing complexes of thirty (30) units or more shall be considered within the definition of a “subdivision.”
(Ord. 2004-884, 2004)