Kayla Frerking
Kayla Frerking is a Vice President of Leader1031. Prior to joining Leader1031 Kayla worked for several large qualified intermediaries in the 1031 exchange industry. Throughout her career she worked has worked with many real estate agents from the commercial and residential sectors, as well as commercial bankers, commercial brokers, mortgage brokers, financial advisors and DST affiliates.
Kayla has an extensive background in IRC 031 tax-deferred exchanges and every aspect of real estate transactions, having participated in thousands of closings during her years working in the real estate industry. Kayla focuses on educating and servicing investors, attorneys, real estate brokers, agents, accountants, and financial advisors throughout the Western United States. Her exchange presentations are practical, thorough, and feature many real-life exchange scenarios to illustrate a wide range of investment and tax strategies. Kayla has shared her 1031 expertise at numerous real estate workshops, classes, events and conferences. She is an affiliate member of NAR, FEA, OCAR, Women's Counsel of Las Vegas, ADISA and CREW to name a few.
Kayla has an extensive background in IRC 031 tax-deferred exchanges and every aspect of real estate transactions, having participated in thousands of closings during her years working in the real estate industry. Kayla focuses on educating and servicing investors, attorneys, real estate brokers, agents, accountants, and financial advisors throughout the Western United States. Her exchange presentations are practical, thorough, and feature many real-life exchange scenarios to illustrate a wide range of investment and tax strategies. Kayla has shared her 1031 expertise at numerous real estate workshops, classes, events and conferences. She is an affiliate member of NAR, FEA, OCAR, Women's Counsel of Las Vegas, ADISA and CREW to name a few.