• Current Contact Information / Preferences
  • Office Information
  • License Information
  • Association Information
  • Supra
  • Submit Your Application
  • Complete

What's Required?

  • Signed application
  • E-Signed Application Acknowledgement (for online applications only, this will be emailed to you)
  • Copy of your Cal BREA License (if using a DBA, it must appear on your license)
  • Copy of your Government-Issued ID
  • Credit Card Authorization Form (for online or faxed applications)
This is a subscription for Appraisers who hold an AL, AR, and AG license. It provides search access the California Regional Multiple Listing Service (CRMLS) only.  If you hold an AT (Initial Trainee) License, please apply using our Appraiser Trainee Application.

Upon completion of your application, you will be emailed Application Acknowledgements which must be e-Signed. 

Your Contact Information and Preferences

This pin code will be used for your Supra Key and establishing access to OCAR's website.
Home Address
This number will be listed on the MLS under your contact information
This number is not published.
leave blank if you do not have one