This is a subscription for salespersons to access the California Regional Multiple Listing Service (CRMLS) only. This subscription does not include REALTOR® membership benefits. This subscription is only available to salespersons whose broker is MLS-Only.
How to Join:
Online (Recommended)
Complete our online application; then download our Online Application Checklist for instructions on your next steps. We’ll contact you to finalize your MLS access. You and your broker will be sent an Application Acknowledgement to be e-Signed. To accomplish this, we’ll need your email and your Broker’s email.
Send us your application then download our Faxed Application Checklist for instructions on your next steps.
What's Required?
- Signed application
- E-Signed Application Acknowledgement (for online applications only, this will be emailed to you)
- Copy of your CalBRE License
- Copy of your Driver’s License
- Credit Card Payment Form (for online or faxed applications)
What's The Cost?
Membership Fees
Payment Plan OptionsJanuary
Supra Fees
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
eKey Service (smartphone app)
Locally, we use the Supra eKEY service to access the lockboxes throughout most of Southern California (except San Diego County).
Comparison of eKEY Basic and eKEY Professional
About Dues and Fees
The total amount shown applies to new members. If you are reinstating your membership, please contact us for the appropriate total. Orange County REALTORS® dues / MLS fees may be paid by AMEX, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Check, or Cash.
To open lockboxes, you will need to subscribe to the monthly eKey service on your smartphone.
Lockboxes are not included and may be purchased separately. Keys may be paid by AMEX, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Check. No cash or money orders.