• Current Contact Information / Preferences
  • Brokerage Information
  • License Information
  • Association Information
  • Supra
  • Attachments
  • Submit Your Application
  • Complete

What’s Required?

  • Completed Application
  • E-Signed Application Acknowledgement (for faxed and online applications only, this will be emailed to you and your broker)
  • Copy of your DRE License
  • Copy of your Driver’s License
  • Credit Card Payment Form (for online or faxed applications)
  • Letter of Good Standing from your primary Association of REALTORS®
Broker or Salesperson joining OC REALTORS®, who holds primary membership at another Association of REALTORS®. This membership entitles you to OC REALTORS member benefits.

Upon completion of your application, you will be emailed Application Acknowledgements which must be e-signed by you (and your broker of record, if applicable).  

Your Contact Information and Preferences

This pin code will be used for your Supra Key and establishing access to OCAR's website.
Home Address
This number will be listed on the MLS under your contact information
This number is not published.
leave blank if you do not have one
Languages will be added to your profile in our Member Directory.