Get your foot in the door of the largest REALTOR® association in Orange County.
A career in real estate offers many rewards: flexibility not often enjoyed by other professions, satisfaction from helping people, and importance—the real estate industry drives a significant component of our nation’s economy. An Orange County REALTORS® Student Membership is a great way to get introduced to this industry.
Why Join?
- You have an interest in real estate and are working towards a career in real estate
- You want to connect with real estate professionals
- You want to supplement your licensing classes with additional professional development
Who's Eligible?
- Must be at least 18 years of age
- Must not hold a real estate or appraiser license
- Must be enrolled in a post-secondary education institution with a specialization or major in real estate or working towards a real estate or appraiser’s license.
What's Included?
- Access to hundreds of educational training and programs*
- Access to networking events plus our Annual Economic Forecast and REALTOR® Expo
- News and information regarding the real estate industry through email newsletters and a bi-monthly magazine
- Opportunities to meet and greet with real estate professionals
- Savings of $75-$100 when you transition to REALTOR® membership
*Student members do not have access to MLS or REALTOR® designation classes, Next Level Listing Agent, or Next Level Buyers Agent and will not receive DRE credits. Membership is valid until the end of the calendar year.
Annual Dues
- $25 annually (membership is valid until the end of the calendar year)
What's Required?
- Signed application
- Copy of your Government-Issued ID
- Copy of Student ID (or other document showing student-status)
- Credit Card Payment Form (for online or faxed applications)
How to Join:
Online (Recommended)
Complete our Online Application then download our Online Application Checklist for instructions on your next steps. We’ll contact you to finalize your membership.
Send us your Application then download our Faxed Application Checklist for instructions on your next steps. We’ll contact you to finalize your membership.