Nominate a Leading REALTOR® or Affiliate!

Do you know a leading REALTOR® or Affiliate member? At the Annual Installation of Officers and Directors on December 6th, 2022, and our Annual Membership Meeting on March 27, 2023, we will recognize REALTOR® and Affiliate members who exemplify professional excellence and service to the real estate community.

Do you know someone—including yourself—who deserves to be honored in one of these ways? Submissions for the 2022 Annual Awards have been closed. Check back next year to nominate someone you know!

Leadership Legacy, Icon, Pillars of Excellence, and Rock Star Award nominations closed on December 31st.

Affiliate, REALTOR®, and Volunteer of the Year nominations closed on October 31st.



Recipients of the Orange County REALTORS® Leadership Legacy Award must have demonstrated a clear understanding that leadership is not only about being in charge but also about taking care of those in your charge. They must have demonstrated, in the words of Peter Drucker, the ability to “lift a person’s vision to higher sights, raise a
person’s performance to a higher standard, and build a personality beyond its normal limitations.”

Recipients of this award must have, during an extended period, exceeded expectations and gone well above and beyond to serve their community and the industry.

If you know of an Orange County REALTORS® member who fits this description, please complete one of the Nomination Forms below and indicate your reasons for nominating this person. Include specific comments and examples in each category.



The ICON Award is awarded to REALTORS® who have made a significant mark on their local real estate market. The nominee’s name is recognizable to the community at large and is synonymous with exemplary ethical behavior and knowledgeable and compassionate service to clients and customers. The individual is highly respected by the REALTOR® community. The Nominee is generous with his or her time supporting community organizations/project/programs.

If you know of an Orange County REALTORS® member who fits this description, please complete one of the Nomination Forms below and indicate your reasons for nominating this person. Include specific comments and examples in each category. 



The Pillars of Excellence Award is awarded to REALTORS® who embody the four pillars of Ethics, Compassion, Community, and Inclusion. 

  • Ethics: Nominee has an interest in upholding professional standards; has made presentations on ethics in the real estate industry, or has served on the Grievance and/or Professional Standards Committees.
  • Compassion: Nominee has shown compassion through their treatment of clients and colleagues.
  • Community: Nominee has demonstrated acts of service within the community and/or real estate industry.
  • Inclusion: Nominee embodies an inclusive spirit and upholds the ideals of the Fair Housing Act. 

If you know of an Orange County REALTORS® member who fits this description, please complete one of the Nomination Forms below and indicate your reasons for nominating this person. Include specific comments and examples in each category. 



The Rock Star Award is awarded to REALTORS® who have energized and encouraged other real estate professionals to get engaged with the association activities, participate in policy and advocacy discussions, demonstrate high level of professionalism, and is a prominent volunteer in the community.

If you know of an Orange County REALTORS® member who fits this description, please complete one of the Nomination Forms below and indicate your reasons for nominating this person. Include specific comments and examples in each category.



This week's events

Tuesday, July 16
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
OC REALTORS® Fountain Valley
Tuesday, July 16
10:00 am - 11:00 am

12345 CA
United States

Tuesday, July 16
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm
OC REALTORS® Fountain Valley
Wednesday, July 17
08:00 am - 09:00 am

647 Camino De Los Mares #126
92673 CA
United States