Transfer to OC REALTORS in 2023 for FREE
Transfer your primary membership to OC in 2023 for FREE!*
Upgrade your REALTOR® membership and join the #1 largest local association in California! You can transfer now at no cost and start getting access to these premiere benefits immediately and much more.
■ Over 200 complimentary classes every year
■ Bi-monthly OC REALTOR® Magazine with industry news and tips
■ Discounted Group Insurance Rates
■ Fun & Educational Networking Events
■ Convenient 6 Month Payment Plan for 2023 Renewal
■ OCAR Cares Member Relief Fund
■ Free Licensing and Tech Helplines
■ 7 Weekly Marketing Meetings
■ Complimentary Marketing Collateral & Door Hangers
■ Exclusive Member Only Discounts and Perks
*2023 MLS, Local Association, and SafeMLS fees will be waived for Primary REALTORS® transferring from another local association to OC REALTORS® in November or December.
To join, visit our Membership pages for REALTORS® or Designated REALTORS® to apply online. Please note that a Letter of Good Standing from your existing primary association will be required to join.